
no picture yet.
we are driving to Brianhead this morning..

I will add pics of our weekend getaway

good night.
well... good morning.

Have a GREAT day.



TODAYS my baby boys Birthday!!!
the BIG 1-0!
I guess he's not really a baby boy anymore...huh?

a timeline from photobucket....lol

age 3.. the year his sister was born..

age 6.. kindergarten graduation..

age 7.. summer time fun.

age 8 .. and toothless!

These are the LAST cell phone pics.. promise.. lol

and the BIRTHDAY boy enjoying his birthday keyboard early,
before his snow trip to Utah..

I love you buddy and you will ALWAYS be my baby boy! <3


Today was a busy day.. Tomorrow my kids are going to Utah (Brianhead)
with their aunt (my husbands aunt) and
we will follow on Saturday.
Do to having only 1 car and work I had to wait till
the last minute to locate snow gloves..

Have you ever had to find a needle in a haystack?
ie: gloves in the desert/Vegas

sheesh... 13 stores later.. I did..

and it (they) were at....
The Childrens Place. LOL

The last place I looked too. lol. silly me.
silly them.. lol

(HA... yes Andrews gloves are pink.. the ONLY pair I could find in his size.. he doesn't mind.. thank goodness.. cause he didn't have much of a choice! lol)

both kids now have new gloves and new coats!
Thanks to 70% off at JCPenney! whoohoo.. !

sorry for the suck-tastic pictures..
I NEED to start using my camera
and not my cell phone.. LOL..
pure laziness I tell ya!!


(time to edit...hehe)

Today Austynn received an award!
well... a certificate. lol

She was presented with "A Honor Roll" for 1st semester in 1st grade!
YAY Austynn!

mommy is proud! <3

so proud I made you purple.. lol.


I FINALLY did it... The tree is down!
and next year we will be using new basic ornaments..
no more green, gold and cream.
We have pink, orange & teals.. YAY!
I can't wait for Christmas 2010. LOL




(monday january 4, 2010)

yes i forgot.. shame on me.. but I did take this pic yesterday (day 4)
I found it in a notebook belonging to my daughter..
made my heart feel all warm and fuzzy..


love Austynn, age 6 2009


the TOOTHFAIRY came again!!
Austynn has lost 4 teeth since 12/1/09..

*pic will be posted shortly*

When I came home from work yesterday morning this was our conversation...

Me: Austynn did the toothfaiy come? (ours has a problem of forgetting.. *wink*)
Austynn: yes
Me: She DID! What did she bring you?
Austynn: A quarter
Me: What? a quarter.... thats it??? (I KNOW I left more...)
Austynn: YUP just a quarter...what a rip off!..
Me: Are you sure.. shes never left you or Andrew JUST a quarter....???
Austynn: *pause*........ Ok fine.. she left me a gold coin BUT *gulp* I kinda dropped it in the toilet when I flushed...
me: *pause* You flushed it??
Austynn: YUP
Me: you know that was a dollar... right?
Austynn: WHAT!!! Ahh MAN!

From there we all laughed for about 10minutes!!!!!

Silly Girl..
needless to say the wonderful Tootfairy brought another that night...
She kinda rocks!


Several things are on my mind today... The first and foremost is my cousin and our 2010 adventure... if you're out there... Call me.

Second.. is Disney.
See they started a new promo for 2010.. Give a day, Get a day...
In our area.. I have tried for 2 days to register for the ONLY volunteer opportunity with my 6 yr old.. and It was a no go (dang error codes)...
Now today its full... :0(


So heres to hoping.. Disney and Hands On add more volunteer adventures that I can do with BOTH my kids... ages 10 & 6...
Most are for 14 and over... BOOOOO...



(not the best picture, its from my cell phone..)
A dear friend of mine has been on bed rest since Christmas Day. I have yet to speak with her or her husband and we are suppose to be planning her baby shower.
I pray all is well with our baby girl.
You're in my prayers and thoughts Razel.