to be continued..

Something Near & Dear to my Heart...

Today's post is brought to you by

the letter P....

but really
an A-mazing person who I keep near to my heart..

My cousin is a VERY special person
and a great woman.

She hasn't exactly had everything handed to her on a silver platter
but she never seems to let anything get the best of her, or those around her..

She truly is my inspiration and MY better half..
(sorry honey! lol)

Through the years this VIP has had many, many
schemes to get RICH quick.
She has tried it all!

This year she has
This project is definitely going to make her one famous woman....
once it gets going.. lol

Unfortunately the Spring launch date didnt exactly take off
sweet Baby boy#3 has been a real TREAT!!

Her Fall Back-To-School release
is SURE to turn heads
especially since she received her

ok ok on to the details...

You can find her here...
for more DETAILED info
but the basics are this..

You SPONSOR her and
she DONATES personalized books to children!!

How GREAT is that!

and in return
YOU get advertising for your BUSINESS
in each and every book..
The advertisement lasts as long as the life of the book!!

If interested in personalized books you can find those here...

Amazed yet??

there's more....

She also just recently became a candle maker...
Soy is natural and ooh so GREEN!

22oz. Jar Candle.. Cinnamon ~ Dutch Apple Pie
(soy of course ~ with mini wax apple slices as decoration)

WHERE does she find the time!!!

my hats off to you..
YOU are an A-mazing woman
and a
I "heart" you!

Mr.Bunny meet my blog..

See besides my love of crafting..
I LOVE couponing...
I love finding a great deal
and THEN
having a coupon to sugar coat it.

That's the case with Mr.Bunny.
Target after easter clearance at 90% off made Mr.Bunny $.29...
and I had a coupon save $1.00 on Hersheys BLISS candy...
So 4 bunnys + my coupon = $.16 for all 4!!

Anyways my point is ....
My plan for using Mr.Bunny was to melt him down for other desserts..
Well not me..

"The boy"
See he LOVES to bake..
Don't tell him I told you..

I buy miscellaneous baking items
and he uses them to make yummy desserts..
Case in point.

Today he made yummy chocolate covered sugar cookies...

The cookies are actually 4th of July pre-made sugar cookies by
that cute little Pillsbury guy..

We bought each pack for only $.75 on clearance!!
I "heart" clearance.. lol

The Boy covered half in Mr.Bunny
& the other half in Powdered sugar frosting..
Speaking of which...
Powdered Sugar frosting has always been
sooo messy for the boy to make himself,
so I mixed it for him
and had a BRILLIANT idea when I did..
I placed the powdery substance in a ziplock bag
added a few drops of milk
zipped the bag closed

It was pure genius on my part!!!
Now my baking boy can mix it himself!!
Its a BREEZE to frost the cookies..
so easy and sooo NOT messy..

YAY mom!

Some have skittles on top..
that's a special 9yr old touch!
So Delicious!
even more so...
cause I DIDN'T make them..

Sniffing around....

And so we begin...

It all started a few days ago.. somehow
(I cant exactly recall at the moment*

I stumbled upon a blog of the Mens Dress Shirt Dress..
and well, the following words followed

"I can do that"

So I did...

The family was away for the July holiday
and it being the weekend I was working.
See unlike the rest of the world
I work the weekend and have the rest of the week off...

**I recalled the stumbling process...
The past few weeks I took 2 things I knew and created a purpose..
The world is on the new "go green" kick and
the spousal unit had a plethora of tee shirts..

SO I took said shirts and created pajama shorts for "the boy"..
See it was our way of going green.. it was a win win..

Anyways back to the stumbling...

I took the new creation of pajama shorts/capris and
being the fair mother I am..

created the tee shirt night gown for "the girl"...
The stumbling started when I decided
the night gown needed peasant style sleeves...

So see in my hunt for the perfect tutorial for said sleeves
I found this lovely

now, where was I...

I had 2 family-free days and figured I might as well sew..
Afterwork, bright and early, I happily drove to the Goodwill
to locate my next project.
The mission was to find the perfect sample mens dress shirt..
2 stores, 2 hours & the purchase of 6 paperbacks later...
I found it..

*please excuse the cell phone pics.. NEXT time I will use a real camera... lol

I actually found 2 shirts..
the 2nd one is a ..
its working 2 different tutes into 1 project
and well....
I'll share more after I get all the bugs worked out.. lol

While spending the next 4 days reading
and admiring many many sewing blogs...
I decided...
hey why not make my own
and leave my blog stamp on the world...
Should be fun.

I'm sure I'll also blog about my inspirations as well..

"The boy", "The girl",
and of course our crazy dogs...

Let the adventures begin..


till next time